Our very own Alma wine is here! Meet Bioscope 2023 and join us for the release party and exhibition opening by Jakub Vážan.
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How do you bring the best bar in the world according to the acclaimed @50bestbars ranking to Prague?
“Zabijačka” and carnival festivities are THE hot event you don’t want to miss. And for the first time you can join KRO and of course ALMA.
Celebrate the day of love with the love for food. Our chefs, Michal Daněk and Petr Židek, have prepared a special three-course menu for this day.
Tune in to Bottled Alive for an exclusive Warm Up evening with winemaker Markus Altenburger in our wine bar.
The largest festival of organic, biodynamic and authentic wines Bottled Alive will take place in Tábor.
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