

Elysian is a bar located in the heart of Budapest, ranked among the top three in Hungary. We first met Mateo and Noah in Bratislava at the Mirror Hospitality Expo, where fate (and the organisers) brought us together behind the same bar for a couple of hours during which we discovered that we share a similar approach and philosophy – just like at Alma, every Elysian drink from features fresh local ingredients, minimalism, and an emphasis on sustainability. Join us for a special Elysian guest shift at Alma’s restaurant on July 25th at 6:30 pm to see and taste our Budapest colleagues’ approach to mixology!

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AlmaTalks #2: Zero waste and creativity in kitchen

The second edition of AlmaTalks series - this time on the topic of food waste. Let yourself be introduced to a reality where waste from one process becomes input for another.

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All crumbles lead to Karlín

Get that coffee! On us…!

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